Friday 8 November 2013

5th Mode of Transportation on the Drawing Board!

You've travelled on the land a several times; flown between cities or countries in an airplane; journeyed from a place to another in a train or sailed in a boat from a point to another. In August, SpaceX and Tesla Motors CEO, Elon Musk, revealed his plan for a high-speed, pod-based transportation system called Hyperloop, which will be designed to take passengers from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just 30 minutes. A commercial airplane like the Boeing travels at a speed of approximately 600mph. According to news from the company, Hyperloop will travel in a tube with speeds of around 800 mph.

According to sketches, the capsule would ride on a cushion of air forced through multiple openings on the capsule's bottom. 

The company, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc. has requested the help of Patricia Galloway considering her experience in the $30 billion project to expand London's rail network. 

By March 2014, the company aims to have an updated detailing on how a prototype would be built and an actual prototype before the end of 2014.

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